BBQ grill manufactures are not going to make a gas grill or charcoal grill that doesn’t have a nice curb appeal. Why would they when that’s pretty much all they have going for them other than the cheap BBQ grill price. While curb appeal goes along way you need to […]

A beautifully elaborated version of the Serve, Cook and Collect genre of games. Diner Dash lovers will absolutely adore Chocolate Tycoon. The Story Cocoteenie, an amateur chocolate chef embarks on a quest to save Choco Choco village from the tyrannical King Choco. By improving her skills and equipment one tiny […]

Throughout history, chocolate has been marketed differently to different consumer types. Some companies like to show their customers that their chocolate has the most weight, by using digital scales and then showing what the price computing scales read on the actual package label. Yet, other companies prefer to create an […]

When I hear the word “craving” it conjures up images of pregnant women eating cottage cheese and peanut butter on toast. I think of people doing crazy things in order to obtain a meal, a dish, a food item that will hit the spot right then and there. Maybe this […]

Eating chocolate can be one of the most pleasurable things in the world if you are in the right place, at the right time, with the right people, and most of the time, with your favorite kind of chocolate. Out of a survey of 22 people who liked chocolate and […]

Chocolate is made from the fruit of the cacao tree. The beans of the tree undergo a considerable amount of processing before chocolate is produced but end up with lots of antioxidants. Chocolate is believed to boost serotonin and endorphin levels in the brain, which have an uplifting effect. It […]