Pour over or filtered is on the list of the easiest ways of making coffee. This process involves the use a mug, ground coffee, a plastic funnel, and a cone-like paper filter. Once you have everything in one place, all you need to do is pour hot water on the […]
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Are you a coffee drinker? Do you have a favorite brand? Many people, all over the world, love the Folgers brand and all that it stands for. If you want to join them, drinking the best of the best, you should do so right away. Here are five benefits of […]
When a recipe calls for allspice or some spice or flavoring you’ve never heard of, do you immediately run to the store? Or maybe the first thing you do is look in your drawer or shelf full of spices and see if you have it already. Then you question whether […]
For most people, augmenting their compilation of recipes through the inclusion of gourmet culinary recipes for applying them at home is easier said than done. However, things have changed and this no longer holds good. Today, you can collect every one of the recipes you require and apply them just […]
Let’s talk about the advantages of grinding your own coffee fresh every time you brew. The single most important advantage is the result that the freshly roasted, freshly ground coffee has on your stomach acid production. If this were the only advantage of grinding your coffee beans fresh, the effort […]
Despite popular belief, the owners of Patio & Pizza Outdoor Furnishings weren’t always pizza oven experts! We started just like everyone else with some (or maybe a lot of) failed pizzas and plenty of lessons learned. It was our passion for good food that drove us to improve our methods, […]
Recently a friend of mine threw an impromptu coffee klatch that was the best time I have had in a very long time! A coffee klatch is simply a casual social gathering for coffee and conversation. It has been a reason for friends and family to get together for years, […]
College students are notorious for being broke partiers who stay up all night playing video games while eating the bare minimum. Being in that stereotype I’ve learned to adapt. Controlling your money wisely is a very unique characteristic for being 22 and dumb. Although it has taken me some time […]
What is Catering Equipment? ‘Catering Equipment’ is a pretty loose term these days. Obviously the definition of catering equipment would be something along the lines of “equipment used in the food catering industry”. What is classed as the ‘catering industry’ these days isn’t so clear now though. The types of […]
Clay pots are one of the typically under-appreciated cooking accessories. Yes they do look nice, but most folks who buy clay pots don’t know how else to use them outside of their intended purpose. The truth is that there are some really unique ways you can use a clay pot […]
Before you refill that coffee cup, ask yourself one question: Does coffee give you cellulite? Cappuccino, espresso, mocha frappuccino, cafe latte… The myriad flavour of coffee goes on and on. A variety of people love drinking coffee not only in mornings but all throughout the day. Coffee is like fuel, […]
Black coffee may have a pungent taste, especially to those who are used to drinking coffee with loads of milk and sugar. But, the good it does it to your health is unmatchable with the health perks you drinking a sweetened creamy cappuccino. Just one cup every day, will get […]
The journey of Goldy the sunflower oil is an interesting and beautiful one, starting from the sunflower farm. In this article I will explore the life span of the average sunflower. It all starts in summer when the sunflowers bloom on the sunflower farm. It looks picturesque with the rows […]
The health benefits of fish are well documented, as evidence by the American Heart Association recommendation of eating at least two servings of fish per week for a more healthy heart. Salmon has received accolades as one of the premier varieties of fish to eat for health reasons. It is […]
All the fat from the cheese and chips that fast food chains gift, nestle in your body and most of it is seen deposited around the midriff. These fats live in the place of the essential nutrients that home cooking might have provided. From a theoretical point of view, everyone […]
Good communication is as stimulating as a decent cup of coffee… and just as hard to sleep after. After meeting potential clients for the first time, I replay the meeting on a continuous loop… all night. If you have the meeting set up then you have your foot in the […]