Josh Tibbs is a locavore, which means he eats locally grown and sourced food whenever possible. It’s not just his lifestyle; it’s his mission. He is out to spread the word, inspire others and change the way we think about food.
You can find Josh on KADN 15 News at Noon on the last Friday of every month sharing his advice and ideas and cooking something delicious. He also has an instagram full of videos of meals to inspire you (@louisianalocavores). He is both laid back and passionate at the same time, a compelling combination. He has fallen in love with the culture around here and is doing his best to make it sustainable, full of goodness and delicious.
What was your first job? Working at a pretzel shop. Little did I know what that was the start of!
Describe a typical day in your life. I am ALWAYS cooking. I can’t seem to avoid it even if I try! I wake up very early, meditate and work out, walk the dog and have breakfast. If the morning allows, coffee or tea with my wife before my daughter wakes up. I drop Isla off at school, then start cooking if it’s something complicated or do content planning/editing for Locavores. I’m usually able to have lunch with my wife. Then time for cleaning up, especially dishes. Sometimes I do three loads per day! Pick Isla up and take her to any of her various activities. She is in tumbling and ballet, and also has allergy shots and oral immunotherapy for allergies so she’s got a packed schedule just like us. Then it’s time to start getting dinner ready. Eating dinner is what I look foreward to most. A chance to spend time with my girls and just enjoy ourselves. Then bedtime routine for her and us. We watch a little YouTube or something like that and read, then lights out early for me!
What advice would you give the younger you? I would tell young Josh that life will get MUCH better. You will get through this. I had a rough upbringing.
What event in your life most shaped who you are now? I think moving from Austin to New Orleans to be with my now wife shaped me the most. I fell in love with the culture and the people there. It helped me realize that slowing down and enjoying life, especially food is so vitally important to happiness.
What values do you live by? My food values. I think that everything should be local. It’s more sustainable for me that way, and it just plain tastes better. My wife jokes that if it were up to me I’d start making my pizza a year ahead of time, starting with raising the hog for the pepperoni and birthing the calf to make the cheese, along with growing the wheat to make the dough, plus planting tomatoes and basil for the sauce. She’s not far off.
What do you most appreciate? Our life in Lafayette. In Texas, we had a very hectic and stressful life and we didn’t get to spend as much time together as a family. We love the community here and have been accepted and supported in every way. We could never go back to that lifestyle.
What is your favorite journey? The one I’m going on right now! It’s very exciting building my hobby into a career.
Where is your favorite place to be alone? In the kitchen! I can just do my own thing and focus entirely on that. Not everyone has that luxury, and I know how fortunate I am to have it.
What living figure most inspires you? I think that’s a tossup between Steven Rinella and Joel Salatin. Two men who certainly aren’t scared to speak their minds. Steven doesn’t eat any meat that he doesn’t hunt himself, and Joel is probably the best farming mind out there. I’d like my life to be somewhere in between the two of theirs.
What was the best advice you were ever given? The best advice I was ever given was to not look at the world in black and white. I think most things are in the grey.
What book would you tell everyone to read? “Hunt, Gather, Cook: Finding the Forgotten Feast” by Hank Shaw. I truly believe the stronger the connection you have with your food, the healthier you will be emotionally, mentally and physically.
What is the best thing about where you live? We love our adopted family in Acadiana. Everyone here is so willing to help no matter what. I really can’t say enough good about the people here.
How do you “let the good times roll”? For me, it’s cutting loose and having a couple of drinks! Whether it’s at a festival or just at home with friends, good food and good drink are the finer things in life.
What did you want to be when you grew up? When I was a kid, I wanted to be a pilot. In high school, I wanted to be a doctor for all the wrong reasons. Now I hope I can make people healthier in a different way.
What is your motto? Rather have it and not need it than need it and not have it.
How would you like to be remembered? For making a difference. There’s a lot of confusion about what foods are good for us and this planet. I would like to be remembered for inspiring folks to support their local food communities and get to cooking. and I think we need to get back to basics.
What do you say to yourself when you doubt yourself? Don’t think that way. You can do this.
What three things are vital to BEing YOU? Gardening, cooking, and eating
Which words or phrases do you most overuse? Probably local!
What is your favorite word? Locavore. It’s very clever and so descriptive.
What do you collect? Seeds! Gotta have them to garden.
What food could you live on for a month? Steak. Without a doubt.
What would you change about yourself? Sometimes I can internalize things instead of working through it. It’s something I’m working on. We’re all a work in progress!
What literary, movie or cartoon character do you most identify with? Carl Casper from Chef. He did what I’m doing: quit my job to help my family and now to find my passion.
Describe yourself in five words. Smart, sweet, spicy, salty, and smooth. I love alliterations
What is your idea of happiness? Being content with less, not wanting for more.
What is your favorite movie? “Highwaymen.” I love action movies.
What music defines who you are? Probably Ska. It’s a laid back mashup and so am I.
What do you most regret? I am done with regrets. I am who I am because of everything I went through!
What question do you wish I’d asked? Tell me about your pet!
What would the answer be? I have a dog, Foxy, who is as much a part of our family as I am. She is a 10-year-old 18 lb. mutt with a ton of personality. She has been through so many life changes with us and is just the sweetest.
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