One thing common to all of us globally is food. The necessity of food is so important that without food nobody can run a normal life. Whatever is the age, group, community, sex, country, we all need food. Not only human beings, but even animals require food to run a normal life. But the way food is prepared differs from country to country and from religion to religion.
But the important thing is that it is prepared to give sufficient energy to spend. It is the bane of the housewife to prepare good food and serve them with varieties regularly in order to maintain perfect health. Health is wealth, the proverb goes without saying. Like foods prepared from meat, poultry, milk eggs foods prepared from fish contains high quality proteins with all the necessary amino acids which are very essential for a healthy life.
But it is always good to eat cooked fish, since the pathological microorganisms are killed while cooking that is found in some fish. While cooking fish, it is always better to prepare it by grilling. The housewives should have a good knowledge about many Grilled fish recipes because it is healthier than other ways of cooking.
The most beneficial advantages of grilling is it retains the flavor, color etc. it is also considered as a fun summertime activity apart from healthy way of preparing. The time taken is also very less as the materials required for grilling surfaces is made of metals which are a good conductor of electricity.
The main ingredients for preparing grilled fish are boneless white fish fillets, 3 garlic cloves, turmeric powder, shallots, galangal powder, lemon grass (white part), finely sliced – 3 stems, 1 teaspoon of salt and pepper, 4 tablespoons of oil, coriander leaves to decorate and 3 chilies with steamed rice.
Grind all garlic, turmeric powder, shallots, lemon grass salt, pepper, galangal powder and chilies and form a paste. Keep the fish cleaned and ready by cutting it into large eatable size. Keep the fish in a bowl, and spread the paste over it and toss well so that the fish is fully covered and keep the bowl in the fridge at least for 15 minutes. Place the bowl in a foil lined grill tray and grill it for 3 to 4 minutes. Toss the fish so that both the sides are brown in color. Then serve this with steamed rice with fish sauce.